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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Couple was Married The Order

The trade in humankind indeed many faces", among them the couple was married the Order or Che siauw. "The practice with this mode of being difficult to be expressed if casualties did not report to authorities.

Every year all over the world had approximately 1.2 million children who were traded in.
On average casualties were the under age daughter. Most of them were exploited sexually. It was heterogenous that the mode was used by the perpetrators to snare his target.

Our team just recently investigated the practice of the trade in humankind bermodus was neat enough with the term pengantin the order or Che siauw. The trade in this daughter happened in the community of Tionghoa Indonesia.

For the Chinese group poor, Che siauw was one effort to be able to leave the crush of poverty. However, the method like this was apparently not more humane in fact the draught with corruption. Many parents in this circle that had the heart to marry his girl who still was very young to the man who in no way was known by him off. This was carried out in order to get money only.

Usually Che siauw was begun with the process of the meeting and the selection. Like that happened in one of the hotels in Jakarta West.A Taiwanese man was accompanied by his mother as well as a translator met two amoy Indonesia. Be present also four pairing brokers.

This Taiwanese man admitted to looking for the partner. These brokers that brought and introduced the amoy to the man. The couple candidate was the man evidently could not break amoy whatever that will be chosen. He wanted both of them.

Amoy this usually was brought in from the Village Behind in the West Jakarta corner.
Heni, for example. The girl was 20 years old this prepared dijodohkan with Taiwanese although the age the pengantin the man already 56 years.

The meeting has in the hotel been undergone by Heni. If the Taiwanese man agreed, Heni did not refuse. So, he accepted money sangjitan or the application as big as five million rupiah. After that of Heni was kept waiting the completeness of the administrative letter before being shifted to Taiwan. The "will himself to help parents," said Heni.

From the Village Behind also flowed the not delicious Che story siauw. The flower -- not the name in fact, that just was 15 years old dijodohkan his grandmother, Ci Bajaj, that indeed was known as the pairing broker in the Village Behind. "Not sold, but we wanted him to be married with in fact," said Ci Bajaj, equivocated.

The flower did not have the choice.After all the processes were filled and money for the application was accepted, the party of the engagement was spread out.The flower afterwards lived with the man that his age was more appropriate was acknowledged as the grandfather.

For the brokers, what fell on the Flower was not appropriate was thought about.Moreover until stopped the business pengantin the order.The level brokers of the village usually got angpau two million rupiah every time was successful dedicated amoy to the man's Taiwanese embrace.

Money was bigger will be accepted molang or the mother comblang that had directly in a male manner Taiwan relationship.According to Moi Che, the broker pengantin the order, every time menjodohkan money poured to his pocket between Rp 40 million and Rp 70 million. The Couple Whereas the woman and his family often got money for five million through to ten million rupiah.

The Singkawang city, West Kalimantan, was one of the areas in Indonesia that often was occupied by the resident of the Tionghoa ethnic group. In this city also the Chinese group poor berjejalan. The Che practice siauw has been known in Singkawang since 1980. Molang in practice this his role was very dominant. To facilitate the work, not rare molang intimidated casualties or forged the document.

The reason for the conduct molang also, the life Tung normal Soot was greeted the Bar changed.
The girl was 16 years old this was interbred with a Taiwanese man. The bar wanted did that with the pretext rescued the family's economics. He hoped money for the application as big as five million rupiah released his mother from the poverty twist.

Later the Bar cancelled the intention to the reason for the Taiwanese man often told lies.
The bar then complained about the problem to police. Resor Singkawang police immediately acted by ambushing the mother comblang that will marry the Bar off. The suspect was arrested when bringing the Bar to Jakarta. According to the Head of the Unit Criminal Investigation Squad District Police Singkawang Ajun Commissioner of Police M. Hasin Risahondua, the Che case siauw was difficult to be expressed if casualties did not report.

It was lucky that the Bar congratulations. He is currently again free to knit the future. If immediately was not rescued it was not impossible that the Bar will be snared by the trade mafia in the person that his link was very long and strong.

The case trafficking with pengantin the order was acknowledged as Mariana Amiruddin, Manager Program Yayasan of the female Journal bermodus smart. His article of the perpetrators was not touched by the law because bermodal a sheet of marriage letter.

For example in the case of the Bar. The team of the Torch saw the letter was married the Bar was issued the Bengkayang Regency Registry Office. In the letter was calibrated the Bar was combined in the Maitreya temple opposite the leader of the religion named Amoi Sukiman.

When being confirmed Amoi denied it married the Bar off.Amoi described the name as other, that is Devout Aliok. Devout that was acknowledged as the person of the number of two in the Maitreya temple environment claimed only gave The blessing not marry off.

After that, Devout made the certificate pemberkatan.But the letter was signed on behalf of Amoi Sukiman. Devout said, the marriage letter of the Bar was made by Edward, the official of the local Registry Office. Edward that evidently lived in Singkawang admitted himself arranged the marriage document.

Now according to Iwan Useful, the public figure Tionghoa Singkawang, Che siauw happened resulting from the poverty inheritance of the past. To change fate, they had finally carried out the marriage like that.

Ironically, said Eva Sundari the People's Representative Council member the formulator Trafficking regulations, there was government apparatus that was involved in this case. "Could the official" of "Manpower or the official" of the "district that liked to make the residency card phony of the Service. "They who helped could be given by the addition of the punishment a third heavier, said Eva.

The Che practice siauw might be still being born as a result of the difficulty settled the problem of poverty and the low level of the level of education. Nevertheless, trafficking could not be left alone. Children ought to receive the protection from various modes of the exploitation.
Lest Kartini young Indonesia, withered before developing. (Budi Iswara)

Monday, April 23, 2007

Raden Ajeng Kartini: Looked For All Clear Sides

Raden Ajeng Kartini left often instructed the child and his grandchild, one of them in order to try hard to look for all the clear sides. If did not find, then the dark side must be cleaned.

Raden Ajeng Kartini was the hero of the emancipation of the woman.
His daily note that afterwards was entered in a book with the Unclear Completely title rose Obviously to the torch that burnt the women to menggapai education and the opportunity that were equal to the man.
Kartini's view also becomes the inspiration for the child and his grandchild till now.

Like the adolescent generally, Kartini including indifferent and had thinking personally. The view and his opinion were written in his diary during was in the secluded period after passing the primary school in the age 12 years. "We must look for all the clear sides, if being not then that was dark that was cleaned," said Suryatini N. Ganie, the Kartini great-grandchild

Suryatini heard the story about Kartini from his grandmother of Sulastri that also Kartini's eldest older brother from other the father. From the Sulastri story, Suryatini knew Kartini's relations with you him was very close because aged almost was as old. In the secluded period they carried out various hobbies, including wrote that became Kartini's pleasure.

Suryatini acknowledged failed studied in France, like that was promised by his father. He still not the school because of the world indeed was in big war time. However, he continued Kartini's struggle by becoming expert kuliner that made an effort to conserve Indonesian food. Like Kartini that liked to write, Suryatini also made the Upaboga book in Indonesia, the Encyclopaedia and the Recipe Collection. (Budi Iswara/tna)

Saturday, April 21, 2007

In The Land Had The Forest, In Sea Had The Coral Reef

The coral reef recorded the earth of history since hundreds of years set. When a coral reef was divided will express the age of the mainland nearby and at the same time as the sign note of nature that happened.

Speedboat divided the wave in the Makassar Strait, recently. This machine boat carried a marine expert and Hasanuddin University fisheries in two researchers from the Centre of the Unhas Coral Reef Research and our team. This small party moved to the sideof the Samalona Island, around one hour of the water trip from the Makassar City, South Sulawesi.

Speedboat stopped in a point. To be precise in one of the coral reefs. The passengers descended by turns saw the condition for the coral reef in the explanation of the Samalona Island and observed results of rehabilitation of
model coral biorock. This rehabilitation activity was the co-operation between the Centre of the Unhas Coral Reef Research as well as the Marine Department and fisheries since six months set.

This diving the simile opened the window and gazed at the coral reef carpet. When in the land had the forest, in our sea will find the coral reef. The forest and the coral reef had the role that was same for the life of humankind and other living creatures. Moreover, the coral reef had the spectacular function: kept the history note of the life of the earth since hundreds set. Apart from that, the coral reef had the ecological function, economical but also aesthetics.

Ironically, the level of coral reef damage in the Motherland that had the area around 51.000 hectare reached 70 percent. The cause factor of damage was natural, the behaviour of humankind and global warming. Whether what will happen if not having rehabilitation. That was certain the earth no longer has the registrar of the history and pengingat the nature incident in the future.

Under the depth of blue sea stretched the style of the life that was shown through the plants dance and animals. Millions of wandering polyps fought to build coral. After becoming the colony, then was unfolded the reef like the forest in the mainland.

The story about rehabilitation of the coral reef was the story about the marine expert and fisheries as well as the coral reef researchers that finished many days in the middle of sea. The marine expert and the fisheries were Aidah A. A. Husain. Whereas the coral reef researcher was Halwi Temu and Amarullah Pious. The three of them became part of the Centre of the Unhas Coral Reef Research. They often carried out the research and rehabilitation of the coral reef in various places.

In the Explanation of the Samalona Island and Barrang Caddi, this team made the rehabilitation pilot project of the coral reef. They applied the model was different for rehabilitation of the coral reef that is biorock in Samalona and transplantation in Barrang Caddi. However with one aim: that is provoking the constructive polyp coral until becoming a colony.

Aidah explained, in fact living creatures that resided in coral were a living cell named the polyp. To be able to live the polyp depended on the other sea animal had a name zooxanthella that as though functioning as the rice warehouse. Polyp relations and zooxanthella or autotropik produced the process of photosynthesis and respiration. Whereas for protein supplies and the source of other energy was gotten from the process heterotropik through the plankton or the source nutrin other.

With the support zooxanthella and supplies nutrin that the polyp then had the strength to build the house that was acknowledged as coral. In the long run the corals became part of a dynamic ecosystem of coastal waters but were susceptible to the change in the environment named the coral reef.

The coral reef in Indonesia in the quite worrying condition. According to Aida, from around 50 thousand square metre the coral reef that was spread in various waters in the Motherland, Coremap and the Indonesian Science Agency recorded 70 percent including being broken heavy.

Not all the broken coral reefs could be rehabilitated. Especially for coral reef damage that happened in the explanation of the Samalona Island, the Centre of the Unhas Coral Reef Research and the Marine Department local drowned a framework of the iron had a name biorock since six months set.

The process of rehabilitation of the model biorock was the development from the research of Thomas J. Goreau and Wolf H. Hilbertz five years passed. His method by making the reef artificial from the iron that was formed like the igloo or the cone. The framework of the functioning iron as the cathode in the process elektrolisasi sea water. Whereas wires had the shape of the net to the anode.

To support the effect elektrolisasi, the cathode and this anode got electricity supplies as big as 12 volt from the cable that was connected to cell diesel fuel in the Samalona Island. The effect elektrolisasi that was expected to make calcium carbonate faster calcified. Six months beforehand, Halwi Temu and the other researcher installed one koralit coral that was cut off from a colony of coral and was tied to the iron carried this electricity cathode.

To support the effect elektrolisasi, the cathode and this anode got electricity supplies as big as 12 volt from the cable that was connected to cell diesel fuel in the Samalona Island. The effect elektrolisasi that was expected to make calcium carbonate faster calcified. Six months beforehand, Halwi Temu and the other researcher installed one koralit coral that was cut off from a colony of coral and was tied to the iron carried this electricity cathode.

Evidently efforts of the researchers showed moderate results pleasing. Six months after the period pembenaman biorock the igloo and attachments to coral, Aida recorded the long increase in coral in general happened one centimetre. According to him, the increase in the speed grew this was considered to be faster by five times from normal. This proved the effect elektrolisasi really could speed up the process of plastering.

The process of rehabilitation with the model biorock had the shape of the cone also showed positive results. Salt-water fish, although that was considered to be small, began to be cheerful playing inside. This carried hope for the fishermen. Aida added, the big benefit of coral will really be felt after corals scleractina this became a reef that also gave the ecological value and aesthetics as well as the function of the protection for the island nearby.

In the Barrang Caddi Island, the researchers did the transplantation model. This activity of the transplantation model was developed by the marine expert and Unhas fisheries were named Syafyudin Yusuf and the Consortium of the Beautiful Partner.

The Barrang Caddi island with the Barrang Lompo Island was the Spermonde Island that was known as the coral reef region with keanegaragaman quite high coral. Recorded was 78 genera and subgenera totally the species 262 kinds scleractini here.

The activity of the inhabitants was in this place considered to be high so as the threat of coral reef damage was then high. Was lucky to have a company of the coral cultivation that made this region the area of the protection of sea. This made the coral reef ecosystem in this region most protected. Moreover the inhabitants in the Barrang Caddi Island then were triggered took part in guarding, developing as well as gaining the economical value from a coral.

Antropogenic or prila I humankind that intentionally carried out the bombing or the anaesthetic with cyanide or mined directly coral that has been still becoming the threat of coral reef damage all over the Indonesian territory. Moreover, the illness threat and the predator in sea evidently took part in giving the contribution in coral reef damage. The fish kepe-kepe, the fish of cockatoo birds, the starfish as far as the pig hair was the example of the predators.

Apart from that had also the driller's organism that took part in the contribution reduced the colony of the coral reef. The most difficult threat was global warming that was caused the greenhouse that made the temperature of sea increase sharply apart from the safe limit the temperature for the coral reef between 18 and 28 Celsius levels. Results of the end of pengerusakan that was to be lost or the issuing zooxanthella actual was the rice warehouse for the polyp so as the polyp was hungry, became pale then turned pale or bleaching afterwards died.

In the Barrang Caddi Island, the researchers carried out rehabilitation of the transplantation model or the coral transplant with tied in a shelf in the seabed. His aim of restoring or forming the natural coral reef.

The process of rehabilitation of this transplantation model was preceeded by cutting off one koralit coral. After coral was stuck on one subtrat that was the cement mixture and the pumice. The substrate middle was made the hole to place pragmen coral. After that pembudi the coral power tied coral on an iron shelf.

According to the activist Coremap, that accompanied Aidah, the growth of coral cangkokan was enough to be seen. Most was not faster compared with coral that was allowed to live naturally. In sea be as deep as around five metre, Aidah and Ulla witnessed several iron shelves with the substrate containing coral that began memanjang. Five months in the future, these corals were marketed for the requirement for the aquarium decoration.

Aida, Ulla, and Halwi afterwards moved to the explanation ravine of the Barrang Caddi Island. In this place they did the grating or transek line to see the coral population in the certain distance.

The interesting note about the coral reef in this place was still many coral reefs with the diversity of the species that really spoiled the eyes. To the best of the eyes gaze at only was seen by algae colours that covered each kind of coral. Moreover fish decorated roamed about free as though taking part in enjoying beauty of the settlement region of this polyp.

From the growth of coral was the coral reef that and no longer became heaven for the sea biota and produced beauty of actual sea. However, the coral reef that increasingly firm will spread zonasi him so as he then became the patron of the available island behind.

Like the forest that became the supplier of biggest oxygen and the life lungs on the earth likewise with the coral reef for the life in sea. Increasingly turned pale the coral reef resulting from the hands of humankind, the predator or certain global warming brought the loss that very much really. Because the impact finally also will be felt to humankind that not only lost the source of the ecology, economics and aesthetics, but the patron of the life in the mainland took part in vanishing.

More than that, humankind will lose the wealth nan was not considered. Namely the registrar of the history of the earth trip. Because evidently when a coral reef was divided then will express the age of the mainland nearby at the same time the note of the nature incident that had happened. Then really ran at a loss when the patron and the registrar of the history of the life of this earth were destroyed. (Budi Iswara/tna)

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Comfort of the Stone City

The Stone city, East Java, indeed the place that was appropriate to go on holiday.The atmosphere of his nature was cool and beautiful.The location of the tour that was famous from this city was East Java Park, Agrowisata the apples Plantation, and Songgoriti.

The Stone city, East Java, was indeed known with his nature coolness.
The city that was located 15 kilometre next west this Malang City was the tourist attraction that was interesting for pelesir for tourists who yearned for the atmosphere of beautiful and cool nature.

The Stone city, East Java, was indeed known When want to pelesir to the Stone City, you don't worry to not get the place of comfortable accommodation.Because, an amount of Vila and the hotel often stood in the producer's city of these apples, in order to satisfy the requirement for tourists who wanted the holiday.

The location of the tour that was famous from this city was East Java Park, Agrowisata the apples Plantation, Songgoriti, and the Selecta Bathing Place.East Java Park was one of the tourist attractions that was most famous in East Java. Because this tourist attraction presented various Indonesian Archipelago cultural sorts, from traditional clothes to the typical characteristics of their respective area.Moreover, East Java Park also provided various games and the skill.

The Stone city was also known as the region agropolitan, so as to receive the nickname of the Agropolitan City.
Like Malang and surrounding area, the Stone also often produced apples, vegetables, and the garlic.
Apples were one of the works that most was suitable to be brought came home when you visited to this city. (Budi Iswara/ZIZ)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Preservative in Our Food

The content of preservatives in 14 makes of sauce and soy sauce that circulated in the market, exceeded the normal limit.
Natrium benzoat and potassium sorbat often was used to preserve the food product.

"There were no safe food preservatives".
This sentence that must be guarded against by you when wanting to eat delicious food that was sprinkled chilli sauce sauce or tomatoes and soy sauce.
His article almost all the food products contained preservatives or chemistry that exceeded the safe threshold could be dangerous for the health.
The use of the preservatives deliberate was carried out by the producer of food so that his food stays durable and lasts long when being sold in the market.

Was based on the Jakarta research of the Consumer's Agency (LKJ), was gotten 14 from 23 makes of sauce and soy sauce that were sold in the market contained excessive preservatives.Preservatives that were used were natrium benzoat and potassium sorbat

Make soy sauce of the Surabaya Fish of the production Onion, East Java, including among them the user natrium benzoat and potassium sorbat that was abundant.
According to Nurhasan, the researcher LKJ, from the laboratory test showed the level of natrium benzoat that was used the soy sauce reached 1109,4 milligram per kilogram from necessarily 600 milligram.

Tri's make sauce the Main Point of the Bandung production also was not inferior incorrectly used natrium benzoat and potassium sorbat, namely twice the fold from the level of that was permitted.
The "The preservative could indeed trigger several illness kinds if being consumed excessively," said Lilis Nuraida, the researcher Seafast Center.

The government was quite proven baggy in this case.
Because the food product and the drink that must be supervised achieved two million kinds.
While the Military Police Body admitted to not having enough funds and the power to supervise this food product.

Natrium benzoat and potassium sorbat indeed not the chemical was banned so as to be traded freely in several chemical markets.His price was then very cheap.To one kilogram natrium benzoat only around Rp 13 thousand as far as Rp 20 thousand.Whereas one kilogram potassium sorbat around Rp 50 thousand as far as Rp 100 thousand.Uptil now, the two chemicals were imported from China and European countries.

The import of potassium sorbat per the month reached 68 metric tonne and 40 metric tonne among them for the food industry.Now the import natrium benzoat per the month reached 152 metric tonne and 120 metric tonne was used for the food product.

The foundation of the Consumer's Indonesian Agency believed the brightness of the case of excessive preservative to food showed the weakness of the protection of the consumer's rights.Now the government did not stress gave the legal sanction of the naughty producers.Like most recorded in Food regulations of No. 8/1999 about Consumer Protection, the perpetrators of efforts that threatened the health of the consumer could put on maximal prison sanctions five years along with the fine as far as Rp 2 billion.

The product have material the preservative or indeed not be difficult was distinguished in a seen manner the eyes.Then, the inclusion of the material composition to the package label of the product was very important.Only decisions consumed free food the preservative or finally did not die to the consumer. (Budi Iswara)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Enjoyed Nature Scenery in Mount Bromo

In Mount Bromo, beautiful nature scenery could be enjoyed with immense satisfaction from all the corners.Apart from sunrise and sunset, also could enjoy the sand ocean.Among this sand ocean was gotten a Noble Temple Potent that often was used by the Tengger Ethnic Group to celebrate the religious day.The Tengger ethnic group was the original Mount Bromo inhabitants who were the descendants from the Majapahit Kingdom.

When the team visited to this mountain his temperature reached sekiar 18 Celcius levels.
Nevertheless, apart from the Mount Bromo beauty mountain climber also often was used by several of the photographer's communities for model photography. This like that was carried out by the member the Forum for the Camera.

As for the nickname of the wine city and mangoes were given to the Probolinggo City because this city was the producer of this typical fruit.
Mangoes moreover, the name of typical Probolinggo mangoes.
It seems sweet and fresh.

When being brought for the far trip as the present, these mangoes were better was bought that still was unripe so that when arriving home could be enjoyed it seems.
This could be received in several traders who sold among the Probolinggo route towards Surabaya to be precise in the Tongas Subdistrict

Apart from the fruit, Kraksan Soup was typical Probolinggo food that also appropriate was enjoyed.This was chicken soup that was cooked in coconut milk with the thick spice and was served with the rice cake and rice.This food could be enjoyed in the corner of the Probolinggo City. (Budi Iswara)

The Other Yogyakarta Side

Yogyakarta was one of the main destinations went on holiday in the Javanese Island.
Apart from the tourist attraction that was offered very interesting, Yogyakarta was also famous with his food that was delicious and results of his diligence

One of the areas of the main aim of the tour in the Javanese Island was Yogyakarta.
Malioboro, the Yogyakarta Palace, the Merapi slope, the Parangtritis Coast was several tourist attractions that were interesting to be visited.

When the team visited the Gudeg City was spread out by the tradition sekaten in the Yogyakarta Palace. This agenda was held to commemorate the birth of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. in each warning, Kanjeng Queen will distribute his fortune to the Yogyakarta resident.

Natural, if celebration sekaten always was attended by many people.
They came to get money that was thrown by Kanjeng Queen although to receive him must struggle with each other mutually.

Not only that, Gerebeg Maulud that was spread out in the agenda had also busy was visited by the Yogyakarta resident.
They again fought for mutual food that was believed in bertuah.
It seems according to the story the parents previously, the food could bring fortune and when being kept could bring the safety.

After attending celebration sekaten that was spread out in the Yogyakarta Palace mosque, the team went sightseeing felt hungry.We then hurried towards the Time Stall Previously Pecel Solo.Just entered the restaurant gate, nuances of the time previously really were felt.These restaurant surrounds were decorated with kelontong cattle.Whereas the form of his building took the form of the house joglo was increased with ukiran beretnik Java.

Only was not local, tourists manca the country also often ate in the Time Stall Before this.Apart from boiled rice, the mainstay menu in this restaurant was rice pecel deso and kebuli rice.Rice pecel was red rice that was seasoned with chilli sauce wijen.

The afternoon of his day, the team went sightseeing continued the trip to the Coast of Main Point Pandanus.Around 30 time minutes that were needed to reach this coast.The tower of the Deacon of the Flare of Main Point Pandanus was one of the attractions from this Coast of Main Point Pandanus.In the peak of the tower that had the height 40 metre, we could the Yogyakarta City.The flare tower that was built in 1928 functioned for the safety of the voyage.

It was satisfied to go to the Coast of Main Point Pandanus, that the trip was afterwards continued to the Kasongan area that was the centre of diligence gerabah.
Apart from having the high quality, the model gerabah kasongan also varied.
His price then was not too expensive.

Tiredly all day long went for a walk, the team went sightseeing spent the night in the Jogya Village Village.
This hotel offered the room service had nuances of the honeymoon.
Jasmines and candles decorated all the contents of the room of the room.
Other facilities that were provided this hotel was gym, movie cream, and sebgai him.
That was unique from this hotel was compared the other hotel was the nonexistence of television in the room.
This in accordance with his concept that ngedeso, that is the village in the middle of the city.
(Budi Iswara)

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Classical Javanese Dance

Classical Javanese dance: Sounds boring? To most Jakartans perhaps, yes. But this promises to be a rare show presenting some great dances performed by prominent classical Javanese dancers who have entertained presidents and honorable state guests for years.

The event is part of the Schouwburg Festival IV-2005 at Gedung Kesenian Jakarta (GKJ), which features traditional and classical arts performances from Sept. 8 through Sept. 26.
Veteran dancers like adept Retno Maruti as well as fresh dancers from her dance company, Padne‡wara, will perform five dances on Sept, 16 and Sept. 17, including two that are rarely staged, Sri Pamoso (from 1969) and Nusantara (1955).
Nusantara was created by Prince Haryo Prabu Winoto, the son of Surakarta Sultan Pakubuwono IX, for the opening of the Congress of Javanese Culture.
"The dance is classical but it takes up movements that are not in the original dance style of Surakarta or Yogyakarta," Sentot Sudiharto, a veteran dancer, told a curtain-raiser gathering.
The dance also embraced elements of Thai culture, he added.
"One of the original dancers of Nusantara, Agus Tasman, told us that dancers for Nusantara have to be men with slender posture, besides being good dancers," Retno Maruti said.
Tasman, she said, always scrutinized the posture of the dancers and demanded strictly that Nusantara dancers should not have an inch of fat on their waist.
Classic dance, Retno added, was a demanding art.
"Young dancers tend to lack discipline. It is difficult now to find a young dancer with taksu," Retno said.
Taksu is a Sanskrit word for a kind of divine inspiration that is bestowed upon a special person, leaving them with a special skill.
"For example, for years, there was no equal replacement of the late dancer Roesman who often played Gatot Kaca at the State Palace and on other stages," she said.
He was by far the best person to perform the role of Gatot Kaca. He had the looks, the voice, the posture and the grace of the legendary hero, who ruled the air.
Padne‡wara will also perform a new dance based on classic bedhayan, in which nine female dancers wearing similar costumes share a stage.
The Kumala Bumi dance, created in 2003 by Rury Nostalgia, the daughter of Retno and Sentot, is about the death of Adaninggar, a Chinese princess, who traveled to Java to devote herself to King Jayengrana.
Adaninggar died in a duel with Jayengrana's lover, Kelaswara. The story was taken from Serat Menak, written by Yosodipuro.
The dance has been performed four times, including in the state palace and in China.
Senior dancer Nungki Kusumastuti will be one of the dancers in Kumala Bumi.
Padne‡wara was founded by Retno Maruti in 1976. For the GKJ performance, the company will bring 18 dancers including Sentot, Rury, Sulistyo S. Tirtokusumo, Menul Sularto and Djoko SS, and 20 traditional Javanese musicians.